About Us

Oasis Wilmington Church

Abba loves you and is 100% for you! There are NO Hopeless cases, worthless people, or impossible circumstances!

It truly means so much that you are taking a few minutes to check us out. Although we may have not personally been introduced, we want you to know “You Matter” both to Abba Father and to us at Oasis.

Whatever might be occurring in your life, we genuinely desire for you to be introduced to a loving and caring Father who can and is willing to fully restore you, forgive you, and deeply love you.

Our name Oasis is taken from Isaiah 35. We long to be a “refreshing place of rest” to those who are weary, confused, rejected, abused and overwhelmed by missteps.

Every dry and barren place will burst forth with abundant blossoms; The burning sand will become a “Refreshing Oasis,” the parched ground bubbling springs [Isa 35:1&7]

We desire to be the loving arms, uplifting hands, encouraging voice, and embracing nature of Abba Father to all we encounter.

As children of Abba, we aim to approach life’s journey not from our own natural abilities or understanding, but through our relationship and faith, relying on Holy Spirit as we discover full access to Jesus’ Kingdom and all His glorious benefits.

Oasis Ministries wants to introduce everyone to a loving and good Father. Through relationships and trust we serve and lead the family of God into spiritual insight that will equip every believer, every family, and every child to become a mature son in Christ. The church is not found inside our building but inside every individual, every home, every workplace, and our surroundings.

Our nation and culture are in desperate need of both salvation and transformation of truth and love. We recognize that to truly transform any community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, these seven spheres of society must be reached – Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, and Business.

We hope to awaken you to discover and cooperate with the father’s intention for meaningful relationship with you. Discover – Cooperate – Embrace 

American religion has infiltrated and decimated the whole nature and intention of God in the Bible. Religion has distorted, disfigured, twisted, and misrepresented the Trinitarian Godhead consisting of Abba Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit.

By no means do we believe we have all the answers or that we are right and everyone else is wrong. We do believe by the grace of God we are on a journey coming out of the bondage and deception of religion into a personal intimate loving relationship with our Creator, Savior, Healer, Restorer and King!

Who has the prevailing influence and voice today?

Sadly, it is no longer Jesus Christ, the Bible, and it is definitely not the church.

When we investigate and observe our nation and communities, our government and colleges, our politicians and policies, our media and entertainment, the influence and intention of the Father is noticeably missing from these institutions. They are controlled and lead by an antichrist spirit of secularism, post modernism and atheism.

Religion has contorted the church into an irrelevant, powerless and insignificant entity of checklists, laws, performance, and striving for acceptance.

Who we are is more about who we believe we are In Christ than who we identify with via a political party, moral code or groups we align with. We all know anything can exist by talk, by ink on paper, by logos, and on social media that sound amazing but when investigated and experienced it under delivers and disappoints.

If we possess a checklist accommodating our search for a church it will eventually surface disappointment.

Our search is not about the perfect gathering, perfect location, perfect doctrine, perfect leadership, but growing in Abba’s love and acceptance, eventually maturing and acting like Christ. His nature and His ways are loving and perfect.

God has given you all the provisions to overcome, be victorious, and to succeed. The provisions are found in His Word. Abba is faithful and He promises never to leave you or forsake you. Yes! You can depend on Him! Trust God with your life and you will always be on the right path. You can live in VICTORY through Him!

We are not a religious institution but a spiritual family being seamlessly knitted together by Holy Spirit revealing Abba’s love and echoing the message deep in our spirit… God is for you!

If you are experiencing confusion, anxiety, worry or emptiness we invite you to come hang out with us.

If you are hungry for truth and answers for today’s complexities, we invite you to come grow with us.

If you are just longing for more love and intimacy with Abba we invite you to come worship with us.

May you find acceptance, love, and rest at Oasis Wilmington.